Our goal is to enable the church family to serve in many different ministry opportunities in bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ to all people. We welcome you to join us in this effort as we serve the LORD together!

INFANT NURSERY 0-18 months
Loving nursery workers provide a clean and secure environment using a silent personal pager system to contact parents if their child needs them. Newborn babies up to 18 months are in the infant nursery. The toddler nursery ages are from 18 months to 2 year olds.

TODDLERS 18 months–3 years
Our teachers in this active age group use songs, games and crafts to help children learn simple Bible truths. Discovering the Bible is a fun, hands-on experience that keeps children excited about coming to Sunday school.

It is amazing how much children can learn in these classes specifically tailored for children from three to five years old. They will come home singing new songs, quoting verses they have memorized, displaying their crafts, and sharing with you Bible stories they have learned.

Primary children learn things like the importance of obedience, being kind and how to be like Jesus. They will learn that God loves them and made them for a unique purpose. The teachers and workers are dedicated, compassionate, and excited to have a small part in the life of your child.

MIDDLERS Grades 3-4
Third and fourth graders are able to understand a lot more from God’s Word. The teaching they receive will challenge their minds to start thinking through the lense of a Biblical worldview as they begin to understand more about who God is and what that Bible teaches.

JUNIORS Grades 5-6
Pre-teens are developing into young adults, and are being bombarded with varying ideas about right and wrong. This class will focus on what the Bible says about morality, humanity, temptation, and more—at an age appropriate level.

Teenagers can dig into God’s word with Youth Pastor, Tim Siers.

A young adult class for those recently graduated from high school.

A young married couples class, with or without young children.

For adult couples and singles with teenagers or adult children.

This new believers class is taught by Pastor Jim Lyle.

Enjoy the study of Biblical foundations with teacher, Les Rawle.

This ladies class is living Jesus, Others, Yourself, to find true J.O.Y.

Spanish services are taught by Pastor Jonathan White, and allow Spanish speakers to learn in their own language.

Deaf people meet to worship the Lord in their own language, and learn what the Bible says.
261 S. Orange Avenue
Orange City, FL 32763