God’s Great Commission
God has given every Christian a mission. This life purpose is to lead people to a saving faith in Jesus Christ and to teach them how to live more like Him. God commands us to take this message to both our neighborhood and the world.
Each believer is entrusted with the responsibility to share the good news of salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. Our church sponsors many organized ways to invest your talents and time to help spread the gospel.
Delivering Bibles in Deltona & Soul-Winning
Follow-up Visits to Church Guests
Hospital and Shut-In Visits
New Resident Visits
Our Global Mission
Volusia County Baptist Church strives to keep the global mission a priority. VCBC hosts an annual mission conference that helps keep our focus on world evangelism. As a church, we support over 100 missionary families (including those local to our church).

261 S. Orange Avenue
Orange City, FL 32763